New UOC doctoral programmes grant call

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New UOC doctoral programmes grant call 

For the 2020/2021 academic year, the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC) is offering grants for students on its doctoral programmes, in:

●      Education and ICT (E-learning)

●      Network and Information Technologies

●      Health and Psychology

●      Humanities and Communication 

The deadline for applications is 12 February 2020. 

These grants are only available to full-time students working on-site at the UOC.

The standard period that the grant covers is three years, and the grants are subject to an annual renewal. This renewal depends on the students’ meeting the learning and research objectives established in each particular case. One of these objectives is to complete the thesis in no more than three years; after this period students may request a one-year extension.

Applicants can find further details about the admission process as well as the contents and organization of each programme on this page . You should start by requesting access to the programme you are interested in, and by contacting the researcher responsible for the thesis proposal to ask for their advice.

There is also the possibility of doing doctoral programmes in the industrial doctorate format, which enables successful applicants to receive grants through agreements with companies. Students doing industrial doctorates will have a supervisor at the university and a tutor in the company.

The UOC is a fully accredited online university. Its headquarters are in Barcelona and it has more than 70,000 students around the world. The UOC welcomes students seeking to develop their research in an international environment, with highly qualified colleagues, and in programmes that adhere to the Bologna Process.

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