Graduate Spanish and Portuguese Student Organization (GSPSO)
The GSPSO is an organization comprised of all students in the Department of Spanish and Portuguese at Georgetown University. It was founded in 2000 with the aim of creating a forum for discussion of issues of common interest among graduate students, providing students an active role in the planning of academic and social events throughout the year, and facilitating communication between the department student body and the Department Chair and Director of Graduate Studies. The GSPSO holds periodic meetings in which members participate and discuss matters relevant to graduate student life, such as student responsibilities, funding, and academic engagement. Some of the duties of the executive board of GSPSO include the organization of academic talks and workshops, support the department’s graduate student-led conference (GRAPHSY), student communication with accepted and prospective students, promotion of department-wide social events, and service as a liaison between professors and students to address concerns, share suggestions for improvement, and relay information between programs. GSPSO is one of many graduate student organizations which operate under GradGov, Georgetown University’s Graduate Student Government and the chief representative body for all graduate students on campus, dedicated to the promotion of graduate student interests. For more information on GradGov, please visit the GradGov website.