Archive: linguistics
Georgetown U/Hong Kong University Collaboration
Georgetown U/Hong Kong University collaboration. Last March 25th and 28th, of the present year, graduate students in the Spanish Linguistics program and students in Dr. Fernández-Mallat's undergradua
Category: Announcements
A Hora Do Chá (Portuguese Conversation Hour)
A time to communicate in Portuguese! Please join us on Thursdays from 3:30 pm to 5:00 pm at Laungier Library 2nd Floor.
Category: Announcements
Dr. Jennifer Nycz and Dr. Victor Fernandez-Mallat Awarded NSF Grant
Dr. Victor Fernandez, Department of Spanish and Portuguese The Department of Spanish and Portuguese would like to congratulate Associate Professor Victor Fernandez (Department of Spanish and Portu
Categories: Grants and Awards, News
Dissertation Defense of Cristi Vallejos “Second Language Writing Fluency: The Effects of First Language Fluency, Working Memory, and L2 Proficiency on Pauses”
The Department of Spanish and Portuguese cordially invites you to attend the dissertation defense of Cristi Vallejos "SECOND LANGUAGE WRITING FLUENCY: THE EFFECTS OF FIRST LANGUAGE FLUENCY, WO
Category: Events
12th Graduate Portuguese and Hispanic Symposium (GRAPHSY) on February 21st
Georgetown’s Graduate Portuguese and Hispanic Symposium (GRAPHSY) is the department’s student-organized graduate conference. This year’s conference welcomes proposals within the theme of Ida y vuelta
Category: Events
Dissertation Defense of Timothy McCormick, “Early and Emergent Bilinguals: The Role of Cognitive Control in the Processing of Structural Ambiguity”
The Department of Spanish and Portuguese cordially invites you to attend the dissertation defense of Timothy J. McCormick “EARLY AND EMERGENT BILINGUALS: THE ROLE OF COGNITIVE CONTROL IN THE P
Category: Events
Tris Faulkner Granted NSF Doctoral Dissertation Research Improvement Award
The Department of Spanish and Portuguese would like to congratulate Tris Faulkner, Ph.D. candidate in Spanish Linguistics, who was granted the National Science Foundation (NSF) Doctoral Dissertat
Category: Grants and Awards
Dissertation Defense of Jorge Méndez Seijas
The Department of Spanish and Portuguese cordially invites you to attend the dissertation defense of Jorge Méndez Seijas.SECOND LANGUAGE SPANISH INTONATION: PHONETIC AND PHONOLOGICAL DIMENSIONS OF IT
Category: News
When Input is Not Enough: Implementing Meaningful Pronunciation Instruction in the L2 Spanish Classroom
Friday, October 4th12:30 pm - 1:30 pmICC 450 Abstract The last two decades have seen a surge in research on second language (L2) pronunciation in instructed settings. Findings have demonstr
Category: Events
2nd Institut Ramon Llull Workshop on Bilingualism
2nd Institut Ramon Llull Workshop on BilingualismOctober 9th, 20193:30 pm - 5:30 pmBakers Room, Regents Building How Bilingualism Changes Linguistic, Cognitive, and Neural Processing By Dr.
Category: Events