Camões I.P. Event: Sophia and Jorge de Sena’s letters – 1959-1978: a window into writing, music and friendship A Dialogue on Music – November 13, 2020

On November 13, 2020 at 2pm, the Camões I.P. will be presenting a tribute to Portuguese writers Sophia de Mello Breyner and Jorge de Sena on the 100th anniversary of their birth.
The event will be hosted online and guests should register here .
Event Abstract
Continuaremos a assinalar o aniversário do nascimento de Sophia de Mello Breyner e Jorge de Sena, falando daquilo que os une, da forma como podemos habitar a escrita que produziram e através da qual nos podem guiar para o futuro. Este projeto focaliza-se na correspondência que mantiveram ao longo de dezanove anos. A longa conversa que ambos os escritores mantiveram é sustentada por uma amizade inabalável, um profundo interesse pela criação artística e mútua preocupação pelo destino de Portugal e do mundo. Pretendemos tornar essa correspondência viva através de quatro diálogos que tratarão das relações entre ambos os escritores e a música, a cinematografia, a amizade e a própria correspondência, como forma de escrita e ato físico. Inspirando-nos em Sophia, gostaríamos de tornar estas cartas atuais e vivas para que elas continuem a atuar . As cartas serão lidas, ouvidas e sentidas através de múltiplas vozes, imagens, música e línguas. Trata-se de um projeto colaborativo entre vários professores de países e universidades onde a correspondência nasceu, estudantes que lêem as cartas e as territorializam, atores que as dramatizam, músicos que as multiplicam em diferentes sonoridades.
Speaker Biographies
Jorge Vaz de Carvalho
Bachelor of Arts in Modern Literatures from the Classical University of Lisbon, Master’s Degree in Comparative Literature from Nova University of Lisbon and PhD in Cultural Studies from the Faculty of Human Sciences, of the Catholic University of Portugal. His literary works include poetry (A Lenta Rendição da Luz), short stories, essays (among others, Jorge de Sena, Sinais de Fogo como romance de formação, Jorge de Sena prize 2010 and PEN Clube de Ensaio prize 2011) and translation (including VICO Giambattista, Ciência Nova, the scientific and technical translation prize of the União Latina/FCT 2006); William Black, Songs of Innocence and of Experience; Dante Alighieri, Vita Nuova, Dante Alighieri; several works by Umberto Eco; George Steiner, Tolstoy and Dostoevsky; Ulysses by James Joyce (Great Prize of Literary Translation APT/SPA 2015); Emma by Jane Austen. He was Musical Director of the National Orchestra of Porto (1999-2006) and also Director of the Portuguese Institute of Arts (2005-2007). He is currently a professor at FCH-UCP, Catholic University of Portugal
Pedro Eiras
Professor of Portuguese Literature, Researcher at the Institute of Comparative Literature Margarida Losa, Member of the LyraCompoetics International Research Network. Since 2005, he has published several books of essays on Portuguese literature of the 20th and 21st centuries, interartistic studies, questions of ethics and poetry. Among the most recent: Inferno (2020), his first book of poetry; O Riso de Momo – Essay on Pedro Proença (2018), […] – Essay on the masters (2017), Constellations 2 – Comparative Studies (2016), Plato on the Rolls-Royce – Essay on literature and technique (2015) or The Icons of Andrei – Four dialogues with Tarkovsky (2012). Currently, he conducts research on representation and the imaginary of a end of the world studies.