Archive: Events

223 Articles


A Landscape of Spanish Teaching in China โ€“ a Talk by Linxi Zhang

June 11, 2020, 4:00 pm โ€“ 5:30 pm EST Please email for the Zoom.โ€ฆ

June 8, 2020


Celebrating our 2020 Graduates!

The faculty of the Department of Spanish and Portuguese have a special message for our graduating seniors!!โ€ฆ

May 18, 2020

Grants and Awards

2020 Distinguished Graduates

Congratulations to the 2020 Distinguished Graduates! In this video, our distinguished 2020 graduating majors tell us about their experiences at.โ€ฆ

May 15, 2020


The Department of Spanish and Portuguese Spring 2020 ONLINE Coffee Hour

The Department of Spanish and PortugueseSpring 2020 ONLINE Coffee Hour Join us online to practice your language skills and connect with others in the Department! Hora del Cรกfe:โ€ฆ

March 26, 2020


Plants that Keep the Bad vibes Away: Boundary Maintenance & Human-Plant Communication in Urban Amazonia

Across Amazonia, people keep plants in their home gardens to ward off unwanted presencesโ€“from bad vibes and thieves to malevolent spirits and disease. In this talk, I showโ€ฆ

March 2, 2020


โ€œUrban Amazonian Show & Tellโ€

Nicholas Kawa, Professor of Anthropology, The Ohio State University April 2nd, 2020 ICC 219B3:30 PM โ€“ 5:00 PM At times it feels like Amazonian scholars are destined toโ€ฆ

February 28, 2020


โ€œIntervocalic /s/ voicing in Spanish: Sociophonetic insights from communities of language contactโ€

Event Description:Though the variable production of the Spanish voiceless alveolar fricative (/s/) is perhaps the most widely researched speech feature in Hispanic Linguistics,โ€ฆ

February 26, 2020


Dissertation Defense of Cristi Vallejos โ€œSecond Language Writing Fluency: The Effects of First Language Fluency, Working Memory, and L2 Proficiency on Pausesโ€

The Department of Spanish and Portuguese cordially invites you to attend the dissertation defense of  Cristi Vallejos โ€œSECOND LANGUAGE WRITING FLUENCY: THE EFFECTS OFโ€ฆ

February 14, 2020


12th Graduate Portuguese and Hispanic Symposium (GRAPHSY) on February 21st

Georgetownโ€™s Graduate Portuguese and Hispanic Symposium (GRAPHSY) is the departmentโ€™s student-organized graduate conference. This yearโ€™s conference welcomes proposalsโ€ฆ

February 12, 2020


Dissertation Defense of Timothy McCormick, โ€œEarly and Emergent Bilinguals: The Role of Cognitive Control in the Processing of Structural Ambiguityโ€

The Department of Spanish and Portuguese cordially invites you to attend the dissertation defense of  Timothy J. McCormick โ€œEARLY AND EMERGENT BILINGUALS:โ€ฆ

February 12, 2020