Event Information
Graduate Portuguese and Hispanic Symposium (GRAPHSY)
Ida y vuelta/Ida e volta: Academia and Community
February 21, 2020, 8:30am – 6:30pm
Georgetown University
3700 O St. NW, Washington, DC 20057
Breakfast and Lunch Included
Literature Keynote: Dr. Héctor Hoyos (Stanford University)

Héctor Hoyos is an Associate Professor of Latin American literature at Stanford University. He holds a Ph.D. in Romance Studies from Cornell University and degrees in Philosophy and Literature from Universidad de los Andes in Bogotá. His book, Beyond Bolaño: The Global Latin American Novel (Columbia UP, 2015), examines post-1989 Latin American novels of globalization and their relevance for world literature.

His latest monograph, Things with a History: Transcultural Materialism and the Literatures of Extraction in Contemporary Latin America (Columbia UP, 2019), develops the concept of transculturation as a way of integrating new and historical strands of materialism in the study of narrative. He has been an Alexander von Humboldt Fellow at Freie Universität Berlin.
Linguistics Panelists
Dr. Cecilia Castillo-Ayometzi (Georgetown University)

Dr. Cecilia Castillo Ayometzi has been applying her interest and training in Sociolinguistics in public service, research, and teaching since the completion of her doctoral program in the linguistics department at Georgetown University. The focus of her work for the Executive Office of the Mayor in the District of Columbia, Office on Latino Affairs, and more recently, the Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority, has been in support of immigrant linguistic rights and services, as well as monitoring, compliance, and implementation of Title VI of the Civil Rights Act. Her research has involved migration and social identity and their relation to the creation and implementation of public policy in urban areas. Her scholarship and published work have been concerned with intercultural communication in the public sector, and the empowerment of migrant populations through the analysis and application of visual semiotics and related practices in public institutional space.
Dr. Beatriz Lado (Lehman College & The Graduate Center (CUNY))

Beatriz Lado is an Associate Professor at Lehman College (CUNY), where she directs the Linguistics Program and teaches all levels of Spanish and Spanish Linguistics courses. She is also affiliated with the LAILaC Department at The Graduate Center (CUNY) where she teaches different Applied Linguistics and Language Pedagogy courses.
Her current research interests include Bi/multilingual language acquisition; critical and social justice approaches to language learning & teaching; ideologies, identity, and investment in the language classroom; the interaction between pedagogical interventions and individual differences; and language placement. Her publications have appeared in journals such as Applied Psycholinguistics, Bilingualism: Language & Cognition, Language Learning, Foreign Language Annals, Language Teaching Research, International Journal of Multilingualism, and Hispania.
Dr. Esperanza Roman-Mendoza (George Mason University)

Esperanza Román-Mendoza, Ph.D. in Spanish Linguistics and General Linguistics, is an Associate Professor of Spanish at George Mason University. She has published and co-authored numerous textbooks, handbooks, and articles on technology-enhanced language learning, including her latest book Aprender a Aprender en la Era Digital, and her Catalog of Instructional Technologies and Best Practices in Language Teaching (Routledge 2018). As an instructional designer and content developer, she has created Spanish online courses at the basic and intermediate levels, the online version of SPAN 370: Spanish Writing and Stylistics, the required written-intensive course for Spanish majors at GMU, and several online graduate courses, including SPAN480/551: Language, Gender and Inclusion, and FRLN/SPAN 551: Online & Ubiquitous Foreign Language Learning/Teaching, as well as directed study abroad programs in Argentina, Cuba, Ecuador, Italy, Mexico, and Spain. She is also very active in the field of Spanish for heritage speakers and collaborates regularly with the prestigious Universidad de Salamanca, where she was a visiting professor and scholar during the academic year 2016-2017.
Dr. Israel Sanz-Sánchez (West Chester University)

Israel Sanz-Sánchez is an Associate Professor of Spanish and Linguistics at West Chester University. His research focuses on the history of dialect and language contact in the Americas during the Spanish colonial period, the Spanish colonial documentary record in the US Southwest, and the history of Spanish in the US. He is currently working on a joint book project about the history of Spanish from an ecological lens (co-author: Fernando Tejedo-Herrero). Other current work includes research on the results of various forms of contact and acquisition in the phonology and morphology of early colonial varieties of Spanish and critical approaches to the teaching of linguistics. His contributions have appeared in Diachronica, Hispania, Spanish in Context, Studies in Hispanic and Lusophone Linguistics, Transactions of the Philological Society, Romance Philology, and several other journals and edited volumes. He is also the co-editor of Online Language Teaching Research: Pedagogical, Academic and Institutional Issues (Oregon State University Press/Trysting Tree Books), with Susana Rivera-Mills and Regina Morin, and one of the contributors to CORDIAM (Corpus Diacrónico y Diatópico del Español de América).
Dr. Amelia Tseng (American University)

Amelia Tseng is an Assistant Professor of Linguistics and Spanish in World Languages and Cultures at American University and holds a Research Associate appointment at the Smithsonian Center for Folklife and Cultural Heritage. She holds her Ph.D. in Linguistics from Georgetown University and her M.A. in Spanish Linguistics from Arizona State University. Her work examines how language shapes and is shaped by identity in multilingual immigrant communities, focusing on multilingualism, dialect variation, discourse, and understandings of ethnocultural identity in Latinx diasporic contexts. Her recent work has appeared in Text & Talk, the Routledge Handbook of Spanish in the Global City, and the Routledge Handbook of Migration and Language (shortlisted for the British Association for Applied Linguistics 2018 Book Prize). Dr. Tseng has appeared on National Public Radio and WUSA 9.