External Funding

My life is an indivisible whole, and all my activities run into one another; and they all have their rise in my love of humankind.

Mahatma Gandhi

To avoid repetition of grant opportunities, please note that all opportunities marked with * are for both undergraduate and graduate students

Undergraduate students

Gilman International Scholarship Program:
Study Abroad for Undergraduate U.S. Citizens
This scholarship is designed for US undergraduate students who wish to study abroad. The program offers scholarships to students with financial needs. The awards are for up to $5,000. The application can be found online.

National Security Education Program, David L. Boren Undergraduate Scholarships (NSEP)

Designed to support U.S. undergraduates to spend a summer or a summer and a semester abroad in areas of national need. Please see the website for details on eligibility.

This site generates both scholarship and college searches based on criteria selected by the user.

DowJones Newspaper Fund*
This website lists continuously updated career and scholarship information for journalism students and professionals.

Scholarship News*
This site provides links for scholarships, grants, fellowships, and internships for students. Listings are organized by topic.

The Smithsonian*
Contains a fellowship link to Smithsonian Opportunities for Research and Study.

Educational Directories Unlimited is a commercial site with thousands of study-abroad programs and funding resources.

International students*

International scholarships online:
A financial aid and scholarship resource for international students wishing to study abroad with a listing of grants, scholarships, loan programs, and other information.

National Science Foundation:*
The NSF encourages exchange in science and engineering. The site has an international component with links to fellowship, grant, and award information.

Office of Higher Education Programs:*
US Department of Education
Administered by the Center for International Education, this site describes programs and fellowships offered by the International Education and Graduate Programs office of the US Department of Education.

Pitsco’s Launch to Grants and Funding:*
This site provides links to dozens of grant and funding sources.

Graduate students

Academy for Educational Development:
AED offers the PPIA Fellowship Program and the National Security Education Program Graduate International Fellowships. The site provides information on international exchange, fellowships and training.

US Dept of Education
This is the fellowship section of the US Dept of Education website. Please look through and take advantage of the grant/fellowship opportunities that you would be eligible for.

The Lindbergh Foundation
This a grant for up to 10,000 dollars for students that are focusing on study that works to preserve the balance between technology and nature.
The deadline for grant applications is the second Thursday of June in the year preceding the awarding of funds. For example, for funding beginning in July of 2006, applications are due June 9, 2005. All applicants receive notification of final selections by April 15 of each funding year. Grants are released in July.

The Leakey Foundation
General Research Grants have two application cycles each year, with deadlines on December 15th (spring cycle) and July 15th (fall cycle). Decisions for the spring cycle are announced in mid-May, and those for the fall cycle are announced in mid-December.