Archive: virtual

4 Articles


Virtual Summer in Barcelona

The Department of Spanish and Portuguese has continued to work with our partners in Barcelona to plan for the virtual delivery of the GU in Barcelona: Politics of Identityโ€ฆ

March 29, 2021


The Collaborative Plant with John Charles Ryan

Please join us on December 1, 2020 at 2:00pm EST to discuss The Collaborative Plant? (De)composing With Vegetal Life. This eventโ€™s speaker is John Charles Ryan. Please findโ€ฆ

November 9, 2020


Exploring Careers in Public Service

Please join us Friday, October 30th to explore careers in public service from 1:00-3:00pm EST. This event presents Patricia Soler as the speaker. Please find the flyer attachedโ€ฆ

October 27, 2020


Job Market Workshop for Graduate Students โ€“ October 16, 2020

Join us for a Job Market Workshop for Graduate Students! October 16th from 1-3pm EST In this workshop, we will discuss the academic job application process, from preparingโ€ฆ

October 5, 2020