Archive: Events
223 Articles
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Joya Talk with Chris Barley
Please join us Thursday, November 19th for our Joya Talk series from 4:00-5:00pm EST. This event’s speaker is Chris Barley. Please find the flyer attached below with…
November 13, 2020
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Alumni Colloquium with Dr. Grant Armstrong
Please join us on Friday, December 4, 2020 for our Alumni Colloquium from 4:00-5:30pm EST. This event’s speaker is Grant Armstrong. Please find the flyer attached below…
November 13, 2020
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Camões I.P. Event: Sophia and Jorge de Sena’s letters – 1959-1978: a window into writing, music and friendship A Dialogue on Music – November 13, 2020
On November 13, 2020 at 2pm, the Camões I.P. will be presenting a tribute to Portuguese writers Sophia de Mello Breyner and Jorge de Sena on the 100th anniversary of their. …
November 10, 2020
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Portuguese Proficiency Exam Fall 2020
The Portuguese Proficiency Exam is happening on December 3rd, from 2-5 pm. The exam will be held via Zoom, and students must sign up in advance to secure a time slot. To sign…
November 9, 2020
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The Collaborative Plant with John Charles Ryan
Please join us on December 1, 2020 at 2:00pm EST to discuss The Collaborative Plant? (De)composing With Vegetal Life. This event’s speaker is John Charles Ryan. Please find…
November 9, 2020
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Faculty Colloquia: Dr. Joanne Rappaport and Dr. Patricia Vieira
Please join us on Thursday, November 12, 2020 for our third Faculty Colloquia from 4:30-6:00pm EST. This event’s speakers are Professors Joanne Rappaport and Patricia.…
October 30, 2020
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Alumni Colloquium with Dr. Cecily Raynor
Please join us on Thursday, November 5, 2020 for our Alumni Colloquium with Cecily Raynor from 4:00-5:30pm EST. Please find the flyer attached below with further details and the…
October 28, 2020
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Exploring Careers in Public Service
Please join us Friday, October 30th to explore careers in public service from 1:00-3:00pm EST. This event presents Patricia Soler as the speaker. Please find the flyer attached…
October 27, 2020
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TEDxGeorgetown 2020: Ripples-It Starts With a Drop
Join the TEDxGeorgetown 2020 conference from 11:00 AM to 7:00 PM EST on November 14th! This year’s event will showcase how a single drop of water in an otherwise still sea…
October 27, 2020
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- Events
CANCELLED Joya Talk: Nancy Aburto – October 29, 2020
UPDATE: Due to unfortunate circumstances, this event has been cancelled. We hope to reschedule at a later date and apologize for the inconvenience. Please join us on Thursday,…
October 19, 2020